Tax issues in a cross border Merger and Acquisition
A company’s tax history and position
need to be considered in any merger and acquisition (M&A) transaction. In a
cross-border transaction, the tax issues are more complex and deserve special
consideration. If you are considering acquiring a foreign target, make sure
your due diligence addresses all possible tax issues. Here are five common
issues to watch for:
the target filed all required returns in all jurisdictions in which it is
required to file them? While
this might seem like a simple question, it often isn’t. Look beyond obvious
considerations, like whether the company filed on time in its home market (and
whether there is a history of audits or other challenges in that jurisdiction
that might point to problems you could inherit). If the company is active in
other jurisdictions, has its activities created filing obligations that it has
not fulfilled? Take a look at the activities that a company’s executives or its
third-party contractors performed in other jurisdictions. Depending on the
jurisdiction, activities that go beyond preparatory or auxiliary business
activity may trigger income or other tax return filing requirements.
taxes aren’t the only issue. Payroll taxes, value-added taxes, withholding on
cross-border transactions—the list goes on. Every jurisdiction has its own
unique requirements, and they can differ substantially from what U.S. companies
are used to. Be sure to get informed advice from professionals experienced with
the jurisdictions in which your target is involved.
you looked at transfer pricing? You should consider this from two perspectives. First, if
the target historically has been engaged in transfer pricing to shift income
and expenses among various jurisdictions, does it have a solid transfer pricing
study in place to support its activities? Jurisdictions around the world are
taking a harder look at transfer pricing. If your target’s transfer pricing
decisions prove unsupportable, you could end up with a substantial compliance
headache—and a substantial tax expense. Second, what will your transfer pricing
picture look like going forward? What transactions do you anticipate between
jurisdictions once the acquisition is completed? The economic rationale for
those transactions will directly influence your future tax picture, so it is
worth considering as you evaluate the target.
you going to lose the target’s losses? A target company’s net operating losses can be a valuable
tax attribute in a transaction, as they can help to lower taxes by offsetting
revenue. But the rules about whether and how those losses transfer to a new owner
vary widely. For example, Germany has particularly strict rules limiting the
ability of an acquiring company to use the target company’s losses. Again,
quality local advice concerning the portability of losses or other tax
attributes can help eliminate unpleasant surprises and, perhaps, yield pleasant
should you structure the acquisition in each jurisdiction? In nearly every international
acquisition, there are numerous decisions that can affect the tax costs of the
acquisition and the tax rate of the target after acquisition. These decisions
include: whether to purchase the target’s entity or buy assets; whether to
finance the acquisition with deductible debt; whether to utilize entities that
are disregarded for United States tax purposes; how much working capital is
needed after acquisition in each target entity; and which of your existing
entities will acquire the target’s business.
As these examples demonstrate, your target
company’s tax history and position can significantly affect the success of any
cross-border transaction. It’s impossible to provide an exhaustive list of the
issues you should consider because it will be driven both by the jurisdiction
or jurisdictions in which your target has a tax footprint and by the unique
facts and circumstances of the target’s business. In every case, though,
experienced local advice can provide the insight necessary to make an informed
M&A decision.
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