
Showing posts from August, 2017

Building Customers-Driven Business

I’ll start with some key points that will enable your organization’s customer care work to become valued and considered critical to driving growth. . The work must rise above the fray of being defined by problem solving or chasing survey scores. The following  5 Customer Leadership Competencies  clarify the enabler of embedding these competencies into the organization. They define leadership behavior of world-class organizations focused on customers and employees. And they impact how these organizations decide to grow, how they lead in unison, how they identify and resolve issues, and how they collectively build a ‘one-company’ experience. 1: Honor and Manage customers as assets Know the growth or loss of customers and care about the “Why?” The goal here is to align leaders to make a defining performance metric – the growth or loss of your customer base. Customer Asset Measurement is about knowing  what customers actually did  to impact business growth or...

How business can drive success through revenue growth

Business success typically requires hard-work, commitment and dedication. However, there are a couple of secrets, the knowledge of which can help significantly drive business success. Jumia Travel, the leading online travel agency, shares best-kept secrets of business success. 1.Have a Worst-to-Best Scale The best way to avoid bad business decisions is to first recognize them, and one of the best ways to do this is by evaluating your business on a worst-to-best scale. Once you are able to recognize bad business decisions, it will be easier to eschew them, then identify the best options for your business and pursue them, which can significantly help to drive business success. 2.Create Visual Reminders of Long-Term Goals When trying to achieve business success, it’s easy to get ‘caught up in the daily grind’ and do things that are familiar, rather than things required for growth and profitability. Having visual reminders of your long-term goals can really help to create ‘...

How do United State Taxes compare internationally

Total Tax Revenue  The United States raises less tax revenue as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) than most other countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In 2003, taxes in the United States, including all levels of government, amounted to 25.6 percent of GDP, compared with 33.9 percent for other countries in the Group of 7 (G7) and 34.7 percent for non-G7 OECD countries. The United States raises more personal income tax and property tax as a share of GDP than other OECD countries, but less corporate income tax, Social Security contributions, and taxes on goods and services.         US taxes are low relative to those in other developed countries. In 2014, US taxes at all levels of government represented 26 percent of GDP, compared with an average of 34 percent of GDP for the 34 member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).  Among OECD countri...

The Secret to Sustainable Business Growth 2

One fundamental question plagues countless small businesses: How to grow and keep the business going. Maybe you're not gaining enough customer traction, or maybe you've hit a wall and sales are flat. In any case, the plan just doesn't seem to be working, at least not as you hoped it would. I'm willing to bet that you've tried, are trying, or are willing to try all sorts of incremental strategies to solve the problem. But more often than not, they're not going to work. Why not? Well, you're probably not a business expert. Don't feel too badly about that; few business owners are. They start companies because the opportunity arises, they're subject matter experts, or they're passionate about doing something. In any case, they probably don't know a whole lot about what it takes to achieve sustainable growth. The way to do that isn't rocket science, but the funny thing is this: Every time I explain it to a CEO or business owner, they...

Secrets Of Business Sustainability:

These secrets will keep your business sustainable for decades. But, answer these first.Will your business still be sustainable (active) in the next five to ten years? If you've sold your products to everyone you could reach, what will happen to your business? If you don't have concrete answers to these questions, it's time you review your sustainability model. Or create one, if you don't have. The major drawback of many technology businesses is a vague view of sustainability. Many companies are too satisfied with immediate returns on their one-off projects, that they fail to see the continuous drop in their audience. Your products will soon saturate the market. What will you do by then? I've highlighted three methods global brands like Google, IBM, Microsoft, Facebook and web-based software employ to remain relevant. 1. REPEAT BUYING The first one is repeat buying. We often call this up-selling and cross-selling No matter how vast your ...