Corporate Tax Reform on U.S. Industrial Economy

The business landscape in the United States has historically been both favorable and positive relative to the rest of the world. Companies have thrived on the American consumer, the stability of the government, a strong U.S. currency, a balanced tax system, the workforce, abundant energy resources, and a trust that “fair play” will exist among businesses. When these dynamics are at work, the result is a strong economic environment. The U.S. has historically maintained a competitive advantage over other countries in these areas to one degree or another. However, over time, other countries have adopted certain business-friendly measures, cutting into U.S.-based companies’ share of the global economy. These changes have certainly impacted the U.S. manufacturing sector, though there has been a rebound of late. But, to grow and strengthen it further, some policy changes are in order. Specifically, tax policy is one area of weakness for the U.S., which President Trump plans ...