Value Based Leadership toward Business Success

Values-based leadership (VBL) is based on core values, setting the foundation of how everyone in a company will engage and creating an expectation that the leader always operates for the greater good of all. The idea is that the leader has a well-developed character that establishes an environment of mutual respect, fairness, and trust, at a minimum. VBL serves as the guiding force to create a healthy company culture. It all starts with the leader. Here are a few key highlights for anyone considering a values-based leadership model for an organization. THE ATTRIBUTES OF VALUES-BASED LEADERSHIP Four basic attributes create the character of a values-based leader: self-reflection, grace, agility, and influencing responsibility. Each of these attributes has various components. Self-reflection: The components of self-reflection are Honesty: Uncovering your strengths, embracing your weaknesses Authenticity: Saying and doing what you mean, leadin...